Membership Mandate

  • Represent as many members as possible
  • Soliciting new members and maintaining membership
  • Assist pensioner members with any problems
  • Provide access to Staff Resources
  • Read more about us in our Greetings Letter

Who Can Join?

If you are retired as a Society-represented employee or as their spouse receiving benefits you can become a Member.

If you were a Society-presented employee but left in a Management Function or other management position you can become an Associate Member.

Membership Dues

The annual dues for membership in the Pensioners Chapter are currently $24.00 (not currently considered tax deductible). Chapter Dues will be $24.00 for the first year (January to December). The second year will be prorated based on the month joined in the previous year. If a member joins part way through a month, their membership will be effective the start of the next month to the end of December. Third year and onwards are full dues. Payment of dues are effective as of January 1st of the second and succeeding years.

Application Form

If you would like to become a member of the Chapter, please complete the application section in the application flyer providing your name, old company, mailing address, home phone and e-mail address if you have one, along with a cheque for $24.00 payable to the Society Pensioners Chapter and mail it to the address below. You will be advised of all future general meetings of the Chapter and of other matters of interest.

The Society of United Professionals – Pensioners’ Chapter
2239 Yonge St.
Toronto, ON M4S 2B5 Canada

For more details on Membership please refer to Article II, Chapter By-Laws.

Welcome Member

If you are uncertain which web page to access, please review the list of web pages below and click the appropriate heading to access the desired information.

Affinity Programs
A list of entertainment, attactions, accommodations, home & auto insurance, and other products and services.  The heading link will take you to the Society Deals section of the main website.

Company Contacts
List of Society-represented companies providing contact names for information on pensions, benefits and post-retirement group life insurance.

Education Corner
Information that may be of interest to Members.

Facts and Stats
Includes 2009 significant activities, events and statistics of the Chapter, links to Annual General Meeting Minutes (2005 to present), and Annual Membership Roster (by Company and Member’s Name). Also includes link to Facts & Stats 2008 and Facts & Stats 2007 – 2005.

Governance Manual
Includes Chapter By-laws, Service Delivery, Communications Commmittee, Operating Procedures and Chapter Executive Job Documents.

Health Benefits
Includes information on dispensing fees, OHIP coverage and out of country medical services, Ontario Drug Plan once you turn 65, immunization, travel insurance and tips, and resources

Includes approved Chapter Executive Committee Meeting Minutes and Chapter Annual General Meeting (AGM) Minutes (2005 – present). Exception: Latest AGM Minutes is in draft.

Includes 2010 current and previous Society Pensioners’ Chapter Updates and news media articles related to pensioners. Also includes links to News Archives for 2009,  2008 and 2007 – 2005.

Offshoring Initiative
Includes MPP Briefing Notes, Sample Letter to MPP and MPP E-mail Addresses for use by members to contact their MPPs and ask them to please stop the offshoring of electricity sector work.

Pension Presentations
Includes links to presentations presented in pension information sessions to NHSS and Inergi LP.

Pension Plans Activities
Includes information on Canadian Federation of Pensioners of which the Chapter joined on February 15, 2008 and information on provincial government pension reviews including links to their websites.