Congratulations to the following members who retired in August, 2015.

Last Name First Name Company
Aitken Robert OPG
Albrecht Doug Bruce Power
Anderson Tim (David) OPG
Ashton Bruce Bruce Power
Avery Leslie OPG
Beck Edward OPG
Bird Wesley OPG
Blades Derek OPG
Brown Terry Bruce Power
Brunet Craig OPG
Cosburn Randy OPG
Dionne Donald OPG
Drody Ron OPG
Gavrus George OPG
Hebert Francine OPG
Heron Dave ESA
Jones Brian OPG
Ko Patrick New Horizon
Kuntz Gary OPG
Maria Maha Amec NSS Ltd
Mayer Dan Bruce Power
McCloskey Joe Bruce Power
McCutcheon Robert OPG
Miller Arny OPG
Mussell Steven OPG
Nelson Sandy Bruce Power
Paisley Debbie OPG
Pazzelli John Inergi
Peacock John OPG
Pluard Dan Hydro One
Pratt Brian OPG
Raja Tom OPG
Salmon Gordon Hydro One
Stedman Kathleen Hydro One
Sturgeon Dan IESO
Wilk Les Amec NSS Ltd
Woloshansky John IESO
Wopereis Jim OPG
Zhu Jing Inergi

Please note: some retirements from this period may not yet been communicated to The Society. Those will appear in a future retiree list.