The Society wishes a long, happy and healthy retirement to the following members.

Last Name First Name Company
Barron Patricia Bruce Power
Davis-Talkachoff Karen OPG
Haslehurst Bruce OPG
Kelly Thomas Hydro One
La Macchia John Hydro One
Liu Alexander OPG
Longmire Daniel OPG
May Shelagh OPG
McTeer Willy Hydro One
Moore Tom OPG
Naherne Gregory Bruce Power
Nema Pravin Bruce Power
North Harold OPG
Ohri Anshula OEB
Rankine Dave OPG
Robertson Lesley Bruce Power
Robinson Doreen OEB
Rosario Rasu OPG
Runnings Pat New Horizon
Simmons Graham OPG
Smith Paul OPG
Svarovsky Gene OPG
Terwilligar Shari Inergi CSO
Wingerak Jim OPG