A team of 29 Society members are mounting a very big bike to raise money for the Heart and Stroke Foundation.

Captained by Society EVP Policy Michelle Johnston and Inergi LVP Diane Mowat, the team has raised more than 90% of its $2,500 goal.

Help The Society’s team meet and break their fundraising goal by clicking here to donate now.

After her mother passed away following a heart attack at the age of 52, this issue has been near and dear to Mowat’s heart.

“By raising money for Heart and Stroke I know we’re preventing other families from experiencing the pain of losing their loved ones,” said Mowat. “Heart and Stroke’s work means 165,000 people have survived what could have been deadly episodes.”

Cheer on The Society’s Big Bike team on Friday, May 27 at noon outside Toronto General Hospital, 585 University Avenue.